what we have now and our challenges..

We offer Bachelor Degree and Master Degree in the area of Business Management. Courses are conducted in English. All textbooks are in English. In the first year, we provide upgrading classes for those who are weak in their command of English.

Some of the students also use of our institution to prepare them for a life in overseas universities. It is significantly cheaper to do their first 2 years here at IBMT before transferring them abroad.

Since 2005, we have diversified into some growth areas that are yet to be tapped. Various initiatives have been taken to go beyond our traditional areas but still within our expertise.  Our latest progress, we founded CAB (Center for Applied Business), an institution for business people enrichment. CAB provides participant with broad-based knowledge and experience in the field of global environment with some program such as export-import, taxation, entrepreneurship, and many more.

In 2010, we proudly present a new breakthrough in the world of education to meet the needs of Indonesian migrant workers who can be competitive with resources from abroad, it is a creative education. We set up the Creative Fashion Management, Creative Design Management, Creative Marketing and Management. Graduates of this department will hold a degree in economics. Management and creative like two sides of the coin and we accommodate both.

Being a small university like ours has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. We could not possibly compete head to head with our larger siblings, or perhaps try to match the kind of facilities they have or the range of programs they offer. But with our continuous innovation, we respond to the market’s ever-changing demand a lot faster. We are responsive to the need of ever-increasing area of specialization as demanded by our niche market. We also have a sense of kinship with one another, close relationships between students , lecturer, and staff, and we welcome everyone with open arms to become part of the IBMT.

Going forward, we also would like to create many partnerships with many educational institutions that are eager to develop the Indonesian market to its full potential.

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